Hearing Loss Product Feature: The Pocketalker
The Pocketalker is a small, battery-operated device about the size of a deck of cards. The device works by amplifying and adjusting the speaker’s voice for improved clarity and understanding by a person with hearing loss. The Pocketalker is not meant to replace hearing aids. In fact, it is compatible with telecoil-equipped hearing aids. It is also a great option for people who can’t wear hearing aids. The Pocketalker is useful for conversations while social distancing, helpful at important appointments, or even for listening to TV or radio.
How Does the Pocketalker Work?
- A small microphone, attached to the top of the Pocketalker amplifies sound by adjusting the volume and if needed, the tone or frequency of the speaker’s voice.
- The tone adjustment is helpful if the hard of hearing person has a high frequency hearing loss, as the tone of the amplified voice is made deeper for better understanding.
- A voice can also be made to sound higher pitched, depending on the listener’s hearing loss.
- The user wears a headset to listen to the amplified sound and can be worn with hearing aids or without.
Caring for your Pocketalker
- Use an alcohol wipe or 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to clean the outside of the Pocketalker case and the earphone/headphone cord.
- Lightly swab the unit down, as pressing hard may release liquid into the unit
- Do not spray or put liquid directly on the unit. Apply cleaning solution to a wipe or swab to clean the Pocketalker.
Real Life Product Feedback
A loyal customer and long-time supporter of Deaf & Hear Alberta decided to help fellow residents with assistive equipment in the care facility where she lives. A Pocketalker Ultra with a headset was provided to the facility residents and a small group of residents gave their feedback after several months:
- One Resident enjoyed increased comprehension in the Dining Room setting but realized the need for a hearing test and is now being fitted for a hearing aid.
- Another resident found the experience interesting but also suffers from distortion and wants to try the Pocketalker again.
- Resident R’s first experience with the device was in the Dining Room where she was happy to hear more speech sounds but there was too much ambient noise. The second attempt was at a Book Club meeting and this was extremely successful. She uses the Pocketalker regularly there now.
This Pocketalker trial was a great way for residents to experience one of DHA e-Store’s assistive devices and to get the word out that helpful technology is available to assist with communication. This is one way to decrease social isolation for Seniors.
Can you or someone you know benefit from a Pocketalker trial?
Please contact us for more information or to arrange a personal trial of the Pocketalker Ultra or 2.0 model.
Call or text 403-284-6215 or email equipment@deafandhearalberta.ca
More information, video, and photos are available online.
Pocketalker Ultra https://bit.ly/3nc5ZC5
Pocketalker 2.0 https://bit.ly/32CxQlh
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