Hearing Loss, Resources, and Community
Part of “creating community” is sharing resources. If you are hard of hearing, it is important to gather all your resources, especially with the high cost of hearing aids and assistive devices. Read about the Campbell McLaurin Foundation.
Who was Colin Campbell McLaurin and why should we care?
I do not know a lot about the life of the Honourable Colin Campbell McLaurin. But what I do know is that he was appointed to Alberta’s Supreme Court in 1942 and named Chief Justice of the Trial Division in 1952. He was also the first Chancellor of the University of Calgary where he served from 1966 to 1970. What many may not know about this man is that he experienced hearing loss in his later years. I can only assume that this hearing loss created a significant impact on his life as his will specifically directed that a foundation be set up in his name to help people with hearing loss.
A very special Foundation
The Campbell McLaurin Foundation for Hearing Deficiencies is now a very special resource for Southern Albertans who find themselves in need of purchasing hearing aids. Unless you or someone you know has taken the journey of hearing loss and been presented with hearing aid options, you may not know just how pricey they are! Often not covered by extended health plans, or only a very small portion, hearing aids cost over $2000 each. The Campbell McLaurin Foundation provides financial support to low-income Southern Albertans for medical treatment or equipment that will assist with a hard-of-hearing diagnosis. This means financial assistance to purchase hearing aids and also safety alerting devices.
Thanks to the generosity of the Campbell McLaurin Foundation, you can now get funding directly from Deaf & Hear Alberta for assistive safety equipment like the HomeAware system that can alert to an existing smoke detector.
How do I know if I’m eligible?
As an applicant, you must:
- Have lived in southern Alberta for at least one year.
- Have not received a grant from the Campbell McLaurin Foundation in the last five years.
- Fit within the income guidelines below
- Not have accessible (non-registered) savings over $25,000.00.
- Complete the application form, and provide copies of all required supporting documents.
Income Guidelines:
If Your taxable income does not exceed the following; you may be eligible for full financial assistance:
$31,455.00 for a single person
$49,860.00 for a family with no children
$58,875.00 for a family with children
If your taxable income is between the following; you may be eligible for partial financial assistance:
$31,455.01 – $41,940.00 for a single person
$49,860.01 – $66,480.00 for a family with no children
$58,875.01 – $78,500.00 for a family with children
What’s the link?
If you’ve recently been diagnosed as hard of hearing or simply need new hearing aids and/or assistive equipment, and you meet the eligibility requirements, you have two choices:
- For financial assistance with hearing aids apply here.
- For financial assistance with safety alerting equipment, apply here.
Find out more about assistive safety devices that will work for you by contacting equipment@deafandhearalberta.ca, or make an appointment.
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